An-aesthetic awakening.

Modeh ani our souls return
To sleep-fueled muscles
Un-numbed like an-aesthetic

Ouroborus wraps Yud
Science knots Dalet
Until Shin remembers its sinewsi

Alaska, Xi’an, Khufuii
Hermetic wormholes bridge
Pagan pyramids ply dark powers

We fought back then
We’ll fight againiii
Modeh ani returniv

  1. Sayeth:

    A widely discussed kabbalistic motif concerns the inscription of the Divine Name Shaddai (שַׁדַּי) across the Tefillin through three letters placed on different parts:

    ש (Shin) on the outer faces of the head Tefillin:
    Notably, one side has a three-headed Shin, and the other side, in many traditions, is formed with four heads. Kabbalists connect the three-branched Shin to the triad of higher Sefirot (Hokhmah, Binah, and Da’at), while the four-branched Shin can allude to the four expansions of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה) or the four worlds.

    ד (Dalet) at the knot of the head Tefillin:
    At the back of the head, the strap is typically knotted into a shape reminiscent of the Hebrew Dalet, symbolizing dimensions of “dilution” or “expansion” of the spiritual currents from above into our finite realm.

    י (Yud) at the knot of the arm Tefillin:
    The arm Tefillin’s strap and knot form a letter Yud, often placed so that it touches the box. This is associated with contraction of the Infinite (Tzimtzum in Lurianic Kabbalah), focusing cosmic energies into the seat of the heart.

    When one dons Tefillin, the name Shaddai—traditionally associated with divine guardianship (שׁוֹמֵר דְּלָתוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל, “Guardian of Israel’s doors”)—becomes manifest on the body. From an esoteric standpoint, this literally engraves a divine seal onto the person, warding off spiritual negativity and unifying the theurgic energies that flow through the Sefirot.

  2. This Alaska thing is retarded garbage… surely??!!?!

  3. Fight for love! Against the colonising death-cult bureaucracies:

    The ideology of replacism, and the global flattening machine that it animates – which seeks to transform the whole world into what Mary Harrington describes as the stiflingly inhuman “nomos of the airport” – this machine is, in its cold mechanism, practically defined by its complete lack of love.

    To love something or someone is to cherish them precisely for their unique particularity. At least for us mere mortals, universal love is an impossibility and an oxymoron. Tell a woman you love her, but only insofar as you love all women as a universal category, and I promise this will not go well for you…

    The total absence of genuine love in the project of replacist globalism can help us see the reality of its opposite: that the animating force of nationalism, which we see burgeoning anew today, is not hatred of otherness but the love of one’s own. And that the way out of the replacist nightmare is for us indeed to be found in love: love of people, past, place, and particularity.

    So I urge you all to keep that in mind, and to take pride when you take up the banner of anti-colonial struggle – as I do hope you all will, wherever you hail from – and begin to make your nation great again!

    via N.S. Lyons (emphasis added)

  4. Marxism is the new Christianity is the new Judaism is the new… creative bluff call?

    Judaism formed around the time of the Bronze Age collapse as a rejection of both the Semitic Fertile Crescent Civilization and Egyptian Civilization, because both had become stultified and decadent. Then civilizational cycle two, Christianity was formed by the Jews to call the bluff of Greco-Roman civilization. Civilizational cycle three, the Jews formed Marxism to call the bluff of the world civilizations of the industrial world.

    And so the Jews exist like this passive nuclear core that’s incredibly creative, but they make cultural formations that erode the social foundations of the neighboring societies. And so you saw that with Judaism, Christianity, and with Marxism. And so I see the Jews as a sort of creative population where at least the way they perceive themselves is as God’s chosen people.

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