Son: Dad what does gay mean, I think it’s spelled “g-a”… maybe?
Father: Hmm yes… The word you’re referring to is actually spelled “g-a-y” and it can mean a few things depending on the context.i Did you hear it being used in a nicer way or in a less nice way?
Son: A nicer way.
Father: Well a long time ago “gay” used to just mean “happy”ii but now it means that instead of a boy and a girl loving each other and having a family together, it’s a boy and a boy together, or a girl and a girl together… but can a boy and a boy and a girl and a girl make babies together?iii
Son: A girl and a girl can.
Father: Really?
Son: Girls can make babies by themselves.
Father: Hmm not quite sure where that idea came from but no, not really… don’t you remember that making babies needs to have a mother and a father?
Son: Oh ya kinda.
Father: And the mother and father need to really love each other?
Son: I know I know Dad you don’t need to tell me.
Father: And when you’re older and you’re going to be a father you’ll need to find the smartest, most beautiful woman in the city, maybe even in the world, just like I did with mom, just like Papa Z did with Gramma, just like Gido did with Safta, right?
Son: Mmhmm.
Father: And it’s important that they’re not just beautiful mothers, right?
Son: Yes.
Father: And why do you think it’s important for the girls we marry to be more than just beautiful, but to be smart too?
Son: Because then they can help us.
Father: Good, and what else?
Son: Because then they can understand us.iv
Father: Very good and what else? What about our children? Will our children be smarter too if we find smart girls to marry and have families with?
Son: Yes and then the whole world will be smarter!
Father: Exactly!
Son: But the whole world is really one big family, we’re all related…
Father: In a sense that’s correct but let’s think about what does “family” really mean? Is it just anyone in the world who’s our family or is it really just people who share the same traditions as us?v
Son: The same traditions.
Father: Right, and does everyone in the world have Hannukah and Passover and Christmas and Easter like we do?vi
Son: No but my [gr 3 gf at public school] does.
Father: That’s very lucky because it’s not easy to find a girl who’s smart, beautiful, and shares the same traditions as our family. It took Daddy a long long time to find the right girl. I couldn’t find one in junior high or high school and then I got very lucky in university to find Mommy…
Son: How did you meet Mommy in University?
Father: We met in Organic Chemistry through a mutual acquaintance, another girl that I met in English class, and then Mommy and I were lab partners in Physics together…
Son: Okay… good night Dad.
Father: Good night [my Spartan].
P.S. So take your mommy states and your deracinating-sterilising cults and shove ’em where the sun don’t shine.vii We will preserve our remnants, navigating icy paths.viii Shear Yashub.
- This is what “context” means, mkay “Dr.” “Gay”? ↩
- Y’know, like this GT2RS makes me SUPER HAPPY. They’re actually coming down in price now too… $367k USD now! ↩
- An important point often elided in the whole “all relationships matter” taught controversy is that some relationships are sterilising and others aren’t (and that you have a moral obligation to optimise for the latter). But since this “inconvenient truth” is so often “forgotten” you essentially don’t even have to wait for some street thug to come ’round and threaten to “end your bloodline” because the mommy state will do it for you! Just sign here on the University application form…
And ftr no, I don’t have an ethical objection to homosexuality insofar as it supplements rather than replaces a (re)productive heterosexual relationships. But butt-fucking as an out-and-out replacement for baby-making? Ya that’s just nuts to me at the population level when scaled up beyond very-low-single-digit-percentages (20% in Gen Z!!), not least of all because it inherently trades short-term social “happiness” (ie. decadence and deracinating star topology) for long-term socially instability (totalitarian leadership as “solution“). Which is why we seem to be trending towards authoritarianism… again. Because what else are we to do without aristocracies? ↩
- This is actually very astute. The Girl was the first young woman I ever met that I didn’t have to dumb-down my vocabulary for. I could spew the full dictionary and thesaurus and she wouldn’t bat an eyelash, or at least wouldn’t hesitate to ask me to clarify or define. She’s a seriously smart cookie. ↩
- “Traditions” is indeed a euphemism for ethnicity and physiognomy, but he’s 8-years-old and immersed in a secular arctic wasteland of a “nation” so y’know there’s plenty of time to work our way up to that. ↩
- Well really more like “Chrismukkah” but y’know Seth from the OC was a lonnnnng time ago. ↩
The CCP is run by secret Manchus, which is why the CCP exempts ethnic minorities from fertility restrictions & encourages them to practice their folk traditions (while the Han majority are deracinated & sterilized, & underrepresented on the Central Committee). It’s a long story…
— CEBK CEBK (@CEBKCEBKCEBK) January 10, 2024
- Speaking of “remnants” let’s quote a bit more from Salo Wittmayer Baron’s 1937 magnum opus: A Social and Religious History of the Jews (emphasis added):
Jewish solidarity, moreover, at least in the face of a common enemy, may likewise for a while counteract the disintegrating forces of individualism — another living Jewish antinomy which has baffled outsiders and easily lent itself to exaggeration and misunderstanding.
Despite all these retarding influences, the deep divergences in Jewish outlook, the numerical and geographic expansion of the people, seem to indicate the proximity of a climactic break and the falling off of many sections now loosely connected with the main body. The Jewish people has on several occasions experienced such a violent upheaval after a period of rapid growth. The separation of Northern Israel and Judah after the great expansion under David and Solomon might perhaps have been avoided. The formation of numerous sects and the separation of Christianity, however, at a time when the Jewish Diaspora spread over many lands, and most likely included some eight million members, was doubtless an historical necessity. When Judaism, recovering from this eruption under the Caliphate of Bagdad, again rallied under its flag millions of prosperous and self-reliant adherents, forces of disintegration again arose, threatening to disrupt the national body into warring sects. Only with supreme effort and at the price of losing some of its most advanced and influential sections, did official Judaism repel the onslaught of Karaism and other sects. Despite the newer ties of solidarity forged in the heat of a world-wide antisemitic onslaught and of the Palestine struggle, many distinct symptoms in our time [1937 AD!] appear to point toward some ultimate violent separations, perhaps of a magnitude unprecedented in Jewish experience.
Most remarkably, the Jewish people seems to view these prospects with perfect equanimity. Not only those who prefer the easygoing road of delusion and try to minimize the dangers, but also those who courageously face them, appear sublimely unconcerned. Did not the prophets of old indoctrinate the people with the belief that it is not the masses that count, but a “saving remnant”? As far back as Amos this tei’m apparently carried a widely accepted popular connotation. Soon after, Isaiah called one of his sons by the symbolic name Shear Yashub (the remnant will return). Since Amos and Isaiah, Judaism has learned more and more to stress quality above quantity. Increasingly realizing the necessity of a chosen people as an example, and the intricacies of its own nonpolitical power of self-preservation, it placed the true vital inner power of the chosen few above the fictitious and externally glamorous force of the many. It is little wonder that down to our own days many a Zionist has professed disinterestedness in the ultimate destinies of the Diaspora and many a radical orthodox has prayed for the total secession of the internal “enemy.” Even the suicidal dream of some extreme assimilationists and communists that the Jewish people will soon disappear from the stage of history is nothing but a truly Jewish “negativistic” inversion of the positive doctrine of the “remnant.”
By another paradox, however, Judaism has always been deeply interested in the preservation of its followers. In ancient times the economic and military importance of numbers was fully recognized. Like the other oriental nations, Israel gloried in the host of its conationals and the size of its blessed families. To become “as the dust of the earth” or “as the sand of the sea” (Gen. 13: 1 6, 32: 13) was long a dream of the people.
[…] that is Pepe Frog memes, but either way “gay” is only a derogatory term if you like being a non-remnant. […]
[…] Cherokee did. This is how the best networks and strongest cultures prevail: emergent societies and returning remnants taking only too seriously the vision of a brighter tomorrow, one deeply rooted in history; […]
[…] how our temporally accelerationist times have changed us! The post-FDR deracinating and sterilising cultists (DSCs) now “running the show” do their damnedest to persuade us that “money is […]
[…] man CEBK, which is really nothing less than seeing AI/BMI as the “mech suits” of our re-racinating anti-sterility cults (emphasis […]
[…] to play a key role in future generations of geopolitical chess by the world’s post-hurricane remnants. No matter how many centuries from now that may […]
[…] there a more damning indictment of CMOPS dysfunction and inadequacy than its clearly devastating impacts on TFR? […]
[…] quasi-Shariacviii stone age values (because at least those religions aren’t so shy about gender roles), and literally burning the world’s forests downix (because if accidents aren’t getting […]
[…] need to be culled to be their best. There’s no reason to be sad about that […]
[…] rather more likely due for a tyrant.iv So nevermind a fiery few months, we’re in for a fiery few generations…perhaps even centuries. And not just from wildfire […]
[…] to pass through the great filter between here and […]