The short-lived under-representation of leadership physiognomy.

What does a leader look like?

Obviously a leader needs to possess certain virtues such as bravery, courage, steadfastness, confidence, and vision,i but is it possible that these virtues would look like something we could put our fingers on? That such traits and abilities could be visually encoded as the unforgeable products of generations and generations of success? That all but the blindii could readily identify these eternally desirable and civilisationally essential qualities at a glance, with no further analysis or inspection? That the lowest common denominator could readily mark out the best of us, irrespective of time, place, and circumstance?

What if there was Ancient Greek profundity hidden in plain sight?iii What if the Ottomans,iv Mexicans, Haitians, Finns, and Ethiopians to say nothing of the declining Westv all really knew what leadership looked like all along, and were just quietly pretending not to notice that misshapen lumpen-orcsvi were brazenly inverting ad astric functionality in the name of “modernity” and “progress,” and that in the long-term there’s no avoiding “over-representation”vii of (Steppe) Asians,viii Crypto-Jews, and Elysians in the upper ranks of society?ix

Perhaps there’s no time like wartime x to rediscover what our wise ancestors knew only too well!


  1. “Vision” is as patient strategic risky innovation does:

  2. Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?
  3. To quote Nietszche:

    Those Greeks were superficial—out of profundity!

    Apollo overcomes the individual’s suffering by his luminous glorification of the eternity of appearance ; here beauty gains victory over the suffering inherent in life ; in a certain sense, the lie is told which causes pain to disappear from the features of nature.

  4. Study this physiognomy, ladies and gents:

  5. Not to mention Fortune 500 companies, of which 30% of their CEOs are over 6’2″ compared to 3% in the general male population. Hmm!
  6. Goddamit can you even imagine a greater fucking disgrace to “health” or “admiralty” than “Rachel”??! Health officials should look… healthy! Military leaders should look… like fighters!

  7. Any framing of “representation” whether over or under is straight-up Hitler shit and fuck you.
  8. Y’know Genghis Khan, Prophet Mohammed, and Cleopatra were all red-haired right? Mound-builders baby!
  9. “Elysians,” which is to say square-jawed, broad chested, fair-eyed, red-blond haired, taller-than-average individuals. Yes, unfortunately this includes derps like Trudork but he’s mostly just a fall guy for satanic WEF cabals anyways.
  10. In peacetime, you can be who you want, do what you want, and live where you want! But that was the last 30 years… the next 30 years are wartime, which means that duty calls… in DC!

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