This is how it feels to give up your freedom for safety.
This is how it feels to give up your freedom for rights.
This is how it feels to give up your freedom for predictability.
This is how it feels to give up your freedom for niceness.
This is how it feels to give up your freedom for regulation.
This is how it feels to give up your freedom for centralisation.
Take a good long looki and tell me you want “the community” to steer this ship and “the people” to decide what’s right and wrong. Tell me that freedom is what other people say it is, and not what you, as an independent individual make of it.
Go ahead. I’m listening.
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- I rarely post videos but this one is more poignant than a million pictures.↩
[…] with that information what you will. Take it to the art auction. Take it to the grocery store. Take it wherever and whenever you may choose. But that’s the value of a dollar and by […]
Got childhood memories… shopping was same in Czechoslovakia.
Just like the taste of plastic won’t leave the mouths of Americans for a few generations, I’d imagine that the taste of iron will similarly follow you and your kin.
[…] your run-of-the-mill Soviet stupidity and associated tragedy on the one hand – the sort that communitarially robs capitalist human inventiveness from […]