At Easter dinneri yesterday, after stuffing ourselves with chocolate and turkeyii I found myself conversing with a young criminal lawyer who will soon be marrying into the same family that I did last summer. I think this makes us laws-in-laws. Anyways, we were chatting about the Legal Aid clients she’s working with and how some are so broken that she doesn’t even know where to start. Alcohol abuse, drug addiction, poor cultural ties, you name it, they have it. And not that this has ever been otherwise, but she was also frustrated by the increasingly harsh policies disproportionately affecting these lower classes. The leeway for wrist-slapping is shrinking and judges are handing out increasingly stiff penalties to people who’re unable to represent themselves and unable to afford representation.
This all seems, to her, horribly unfair, and through the lens of progressive egalitarianism, as is typical in contemporary socialist democracies like Canada, it could never be anything else. But where does this lens come from, and what are its effects?
We can trace the modern interpretation of progressive egalitarianism to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Father of the French Revolution, and his discourse promoting the ideas of libre-arbitre,iii societal social structure as the result of human choice rather than innate qualities, and social change as a moral imperative.
For the last 260 years, this narrative has played out. At the door, we left our culture, our language, our heritage, and we walked into the giant atrium of Glas und Stahl and pretended cumbayá was all we needed. In this new world, unshackled by ancient strictures, everyone had social mobility and everyone could be anything.
While this was noble enough, we well know that tëchnë and epistemë are as different as Cain and Abel, or for that matter, Bitcoiners and Fiaters. In practise, making sure that everyone is equal and that no one feels out of place results in horrors no worse than infantilized adults, discombobulated personal relationships, and uneducated mobs whose only ability is consumption, resulting in equality being defined purely in terms of this ability. Because really, what else unites us all?
MP must have been reading my mind, or I his, because An hero is he… hits on this exact point. To wit:
Personally, I blame the primary school system. Originally, it was the case that children aged five to ten using new words which they had heard but failed to look up in the dictionary or else check with an adult were simply beaten. Just like that, either clear the word or not use it.
As actual eggs have been replaced with battery eggs and actual milk with soy whey or whatever the hell they use these days, educating children so as they grew up into humans was also replaced with educating children so as they grow up into consumers, which is a sort of chimp. Consequently, all in the spirt of cost reduction (which means spending less to get “the same”) but under the pretense of “empowering” (which means, lower the standard of work so even fucktards can go around pretending they’re lawyers or teachers or whatnot, even if they’d have been laughed out of town back in the day of their parents) education has also changed. Children are no longer required to look up words today (or anything else), nor have they for a good two or three decades. Instead, they are encouraged to… guess. That’s right, to “guess” as to what the word may mean… based on… “its context”.
So not only do we see that we’ve created a culture of equals, but that in doing so, education has degraded to the point where reading, writing, and arithmetic are as foreign as a second language. All we’re left with is are undifferentiated masses of flesh and apps. MP continues:
In other words, a child with no actual experience, and no valuable mental processes at the ready is asked to construct his own personal world out of the shit between his ears. This is obviously not education, but more akin a very perverse intellectual masturbation. The results of this very very broken process are of course the ungovernable, uneducable, useless masses of people we run into all over the web today, they for whom the only hope is more “government spending”, for as long as that lasts. With a very high if wholly baseless opinion of themselves, completely incapable to exploit – or even meaningfully interact with – their environment, completely unable to even understand each other to any degree.
The externalized forms of “knowledge” that we’ve come to rely on so heavily, particularly Google, don’t help matters:
The way Google search works may seem a ready metaphor to explain the problem : inasmuch as only results similar to those on which the user clicked in the past are even presented as a choice, the search engine insulates the subject into a wholly artificial bubble of agreement, which renders him first unwilling and soon incapable of dealing with the actual reality. This does not go far enough however…
The college student of today is mentally incapable of understanding material fit for highschoolers two generations ago, and will have to expend degrees of magnitude more effort to comprehend topics fit for the junior high students of 1970…
This new method in effect reduces the working of the human brain to simple symbol matching and little more. Such reduction works splendidly well to produce consumers, the best consumers imaginable, because as the actual control mechanisms atrophy, simple recognition-based drivers of behaviour take over. Each time someone bought an item they didn’t actually need, without as much as stopping to consider if they needed it, let alone if they could pay for it (or how they’d pay for it), simply because they recognised it, taken over and carried away by that giddy enthusiasm of the monkey brain, the method of mental castration discussed here has delivered its fruits.
Those fruits are perhaps sweet for the sellers of crap, arguably, at least on the short term. They are also bitter for everyone else, including the government declaring those sellers too big to fail, and the pensioneers pooling their pension funds (unwittingly, of course) into the equity of the seller, and the yet unborn children which will have to parent themselves, somehow.
Not only have we burdened future generations with crazy debt, but we’re effectively disarmed their brains, lest they actually try to solve the problems of the last 250 years. To boot, our living standards are far outstripping our finite planet’s ability to support us. Thus, plasticized foods, poisoned rivers, etc. This is, of course, avoidable.
The tragedy is that it’d take a lot less work, and a lot fewer lashes and welts per inch, to have achieved the same effect aged 5 than it takes aged 25.
As someone looking to start a family in the next few years, you’d better believe that my kids are going to be disciplined in reading, writing, math, and playing with fucking LEGO blocks. And one only hopes, thinking. It’s the least I can do.
Overall, from a societal and ecological perspective, what began with the French Revolution in the late 18th century, has led to the most grotesque abuses of people and our planet in our collective history. Bloody wars, environmental abuse, and social upheaval are just the tip of the iceberg.
Moving forward can only mean moving beyond consumerism, which also means moving beyond progressive egalitarianism.
So let’s forget the French Revolution ever happened. And save our planet in the process.
___ ___ ___
- Or was it Passover dinner? In Arabic, 3eid el Fise7 means both “Happy Easter” and “Happy Passover” because Arabs fundamentally see Jews and Christians as ethnically Arabs, albeit ones divided on religious grounds (at least until one forcibly converts the other). 3eid el Fise7 is therefore a sort of a universal “Happy Spring Festival.” To people who think that Hallmark invented the sun and the moon, this also explains the symbolism of bunnies and eggs as springtime representations of rebirth and new beginnings.↩
- Why do we eat meat and chocolate on Easter? Well, meat was once a luxury, not something we ate every fucking day, and it therefore represented a well deserved treat after a hard winter and a long lent. Today, when we eat it (more like order it) without a second thought, we have no choice but to build disgusting animal factories and pump the poor things with so many antibiotics and so much GMO poison that they have to be crammed side-by-side like sardines lest they be given the dignity and space to keel over and die. Chocolate, too, used to be an exotic luxury, not something eaten for breakfast. Meh. This too shall pass.↩
- Free will.↩
Ideally, never forget. Why’d one forget the worst horror in human history, our own if very Chinese “cultural revolution” ?
Never forget. The self-styled “friends of the people” are the worst enemies, of all people.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
[…] much of the practise of spring festivals of has, like everything else, been twisted towards consumerism. […]
[…] power, preferring to have the state act “fairly” on our behalves and to distribute the power of the people accordingly. Over time, since the state is a business like any other, this power has concentrated […]
[…] God, or Darwinianism. He believed in the Will To Power,i art,ii and life. He also foresaw the scientistic consumer age between his life and ours,iii as well as the bloody nationalistic wars of the 20th century.iv He […]
[…] oh man. tradingloser is the kind of consumer that always expects the sun to rise again just for him. It always has before, neh? So why not find […]
[…] and the purchasing of rental property, all of which underpins further debt-fuelled insanity in the fiat consumerist economy. Of course, since Bitcoin is the killer of Nietzschian nihilism, our new economy works nothing like […]
[…] doesn’t have a “consumer protection issue,” but rather, a solution. Bitcoin breaks consumerism over its knee. This is precisely the point of this whole experiment. What’s left is trust and […]
[…] Entertainment,i upsets,ii goals,iii and a sense global unificationiv that makes the Olympic Games feel like backyard bocce ball at your laws-in-laws. […]
[…] the advantages of aristocracy could scarcely be appreciated or conceived less than 50 years after la révolution dégoûtant, what fucking chance do we have more two centuries on in a land that never knew proper aristocracy […]
[…] Over the last month, residents of Fuzhouiii have made up a whopping 14% of Contravex’siv traffic, a remarkable phenomenon that I’m at a bit of a loss to explain. Even more curiously, the most popular article for this robust readership has been Deflation Isn’t Bitcoin’s Problem, It’s Bitcoin’s Solution followed in a distant seconds and thirds by Analysis: Annual Letter From Bitcoin Fundation Chairman Peter Vehehes and Consumerism: The Great Equalizer – The Legacy of the French Revolution. […]
[…] did the French, who gave us the shitball of “progressive equality” and its descendent, consumerism, also have such powerfully distilled wisdom embedded in […]
[…] Golden Calf of Consumerism is a false idol, a hollow facsimile of genuine Happiness, so then where […]
[…] Mother Nature suffers. That is, the more fake wealth there is in the hands of fake people, the more plastic shit there is clogging the airways, landways, and […]
[…] in which they might one day be able to produce something of value.xi A debased people can, at most, consume and consume and consume in an sordid attempt to fill the voids in their heads souls as much as […]
[…] revolution? Seriously? We already had the French one and we’re still living with its unfortunate consequences. What do you say we try a little […]
[…] the first black President.iv Maybe they told you that you could mobilise the vote and start a revolution. Maybe they told you that you could end wars and bring hope for peace to the peoples of the world. […]
[…] these terms, when used in such a way as to be intentionally vague, are useful carrots for consumers. Just keep working a little harder, you’ll get there… Just a little longer… […]
[…] quite up to the “secular world,” that is, adherents to the consumerist nation states of the world, whether they want to capitulate peacefully, be mass murdered, or I dunno, fight […]
[…] for military expenditures. He survived but the wound to the established order would never heal and the revolutionaries would soon have their […]
[…] like women and vice versa except for their naughty bits.” What is this, 1985 ? Or hell, 1785 […]
[…] also teaching them that “the right thing” is not a matter of words and wholly imagined etatist ideals, but a matter of might – that is, strength and resources. In doing so, we lull the next […]
[…] into blacksmiths, artists, tailors, and priests during the Middle Ages. That is, before that “revolutionary” nonsense tried to “improve the world” by papering over everything good, moral, […]
[…] anywhere, and I whole-heartedly agree that it does, it’s undeniably in the direction of those fraternising frogs and their monstrously rationalistic conceptions of the human condition. The Industrial Revolution […]
[…] did the French, who gave us the shitball of “progressive equality” and its descendent, consumerism, also have such powerfully distilled wisdom embedded in […]
[…] that. And in case you were wondering, Contravex’s 2nd-most-read article this year is Consumerism: The Great Equalizer – The Legacy of the French Revolution. The first is A Guide To Buying 5000 Ether/Bitcoin, 2.5x More Than Ethereum’s Genesis Sale […]
[…] “news” and whatever, and shop at Walmart for all their “food” and “consumables” and whatnot, they aggregate around Kijiji and Craigslistviii for all their second-hand […]
Companion Dogs – Dogtime – Dogtime – The place for dog …
Approved because lols like this don’t make it through the spam filter so often.
[…] Universal equality – the core tenet of socialism and die neue SS – emerged in 1792 with the French Revolution. […]
[…] He spoke too soon! As do those Soviets in the 1980’s and those ReSoviets today who pontificate that “all […]
[…] to provide the equitable utopia of fairness, niceness, and endless streams of free goodness its revolutionary adherents imagine. At least not for […]
[…] Entertainment,ii upsets,iii goals,iv and a sense global unificationv that makes the Olympic Games feel like backyard bocce ball at your laws-in-laws. […]
[…] democracy” as an institution that, irrespective of minority suffrage, dates back to the French Revolution. […]
[…] 2014, they all but bottomed out to zero in the interim in a globally concerted effort to stimulate consumerism so as to minimise the blatant and brazen breaking of oh so many political promises.ii As we well […]
[…] like you need change Jiran: you think? they seem very set in ways Pete: you’re forgetting french revolution. they killed king first!. gave americans courage to try to the same thing, ie. independence from […]
[…] it’s quite possible that we’ve been in a foxhole since the French Revolution, but bear with me! […]
[…] fear we not! For no matter how “consuming” is the entertainment of our day, The Matrix can never win for as long as we can find time […]
[…] if it’s not about “democracy” or “consumerism” or “the blood of angry men”? […]
[…] Dark Ages, Catholics have been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. So sure enough, since the French Revolution, “the people” have been all but reinventing rediscovering Catholicism “from […]