Where lion-lorded gates met virgin vaults,i
Hermetic hierarchies whose faults converge’d,
Ancient seals traced primeval faults,
Astral powers echo’d Jupiter’s surge.
Myrrh met Balthazar’s hands, a lunar vow,
Golden sphere graced Melchior’s flame,
Frankincense breathed through Gaspar’s brow,
A triumvirate wrought upon Opus’ name.
’Neath radiant Star o’ Bethlehem,
A cosmic birth united prophecy with prime,
Enfolded by David’s sixfold stem;
Where flesh and flower fused timeless rhyme.
Within that celestial furnace, the Philosopher’s Stone,
All converged — Star heraldic, forever throne’d.
___ ___ ___
- Just ask Dr. Michael Heiser:
[…] Of knowledge divine. […]